Friday, September 12, 2008

29 Weeks

Here is a picture - finally. It is not a profile so it hard to see the size of my belly. I think I look bigger in person than I do in this picture. Although I suppose I could have grown since this picture was taken last weekend. I am finally to the point where it is very obvious that I am pregnant. Strangers ask me when I am due, if I know what I am having etc.

I am still feeling pretty good but that is definitely changing as I get bigger. It is harder to get comfortable sitting down and laying down. The baby has been moving around a lot lately. He better enjoy it while it lasts. As he grows there is a lot less room in there. :-)

We have finally started thinking about names. We are planning to have a "short list" when he is born and then we will decide on his name once we see him. Unfortunately that means no one (including us) will know his name before he is born.