Monday, December 29, 2008


First Bath:

First Christmas:

First Walk:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

40 Weeks and 4 days

Connor Desmond Crotty was born on 12/2/2008 at 7:33 am. He was 8 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long.

Here are some more pictures:

Friday, November 28, 2008

40 Weeks

And still counting.....hopefully the little guy decides to come in the next few days. :-)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

38 Weeks

2 weeks left, we can hardly believe it. Here is a recent picture:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

35 (1/2) weeks

Time is flying by so fast. My ticker today says 30 days left. That is just so crazy. The little guy is doing well. He has hiccups every day (sometimes twice a day). He also likes to jab me in the ribs (I think with his feet.) It is not very comfortable but I can deal with it. I am getting more tired but I am still sleeping okay so I am thankful for that. Here is a new picture:

Friday, October 10, 2008

33 Weeks

We have made it to 33 weeks. It is amazing that we only have 7 weeks left. We start going to the Doctor every other week now. Last week we started our birthing classes. So far we are happy with them. We feel more comfortable with what to expect so that is a good feeling. I had my baby shower a couple weeks ago. It was so nice to see everyone and everyone was so generous. Because of all the generous gifts we feel much more prepared - we have a lot of the things we will need for him. The little guy is still an acrobat but I think he is loosing space fast. I can tell because I feel pretty crammed myself. Sometimes it is really difficult to get comfortable sitting, standing or laying down. I think my comfort level is just going to continue to get worse but I can't complain. I have had it pretty easy up until now.

Friday, September 26, 2008

31 Weeks

Well this is my belly at 31 Weeks. It has definitely grown. The little guy has been an acrobat lately. He has been moving around all over the place. I wish I could see what he is up to in there.

Friday, September 12, 2008

29 Weeks

Here is a picture - finally. It is not a profile so it hard to see the size of my belly. I think I look bigger in person than I do in this picture. Although I suppose I could have grown since this picture was taken last weekend. I am finally to the point where it is very obvious that I am pregnant. Strangers ask me when I am due, if I know what I am having etc.

I am still feeling pretty good but that is definitely changing as I get bigger. It is harder to get comfortable sitting down and laying down. The baby has been moving around a lot lately. He better enjoy it while it lasts. As he grows there is a lot less room in there. :-)

We have finally started thinking about names. We are planning to have a "short list" when he is born and then we will decide on his name once we see him. Unfortunately that means no one (including us) will know his name before he is born.

Friday, August 29, 2008

27 Weeks

Today is the first day of my third trimester. I can't believe it. Time is flying. We did choose to deliver at Rose. Now that we chose the hospital we were able to sign up for childbirth classes. We start those the first week of October. We are also moving out of our house in the next week. It is exciting to be getting the house project started but I think it will be a little hard to be displaced for so long. I will probably post some belly pictures soon (I am going to be brave enough to do so) but we have to take the pictures....

Monday, August 11, 2008

24 Weeks

Time is flying by so fast I can't believe I am already 24 weeks. I had a doctor appointment this morning. The baby is 1 pound 11 ounces. He is measuring a little ahead still. Otherwise everything is still looking good. I have had a little bit of swelling especially on the really hot days but overall I am still feeling good. I have to do the 1 hour glucose test and get the RhoGAM Shot at the next appoinment. Next on the list is to pick a hospital....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

21 Weeks

So the Doctor was right we are having a Boy. This time he could tell for sure. We are very excited. Now we have to start thinking about names. :-)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

19 1/2 Weeks

I believe I have started to feel the baby move. And even more exciting - yesterday Colin was able to feel the baby move. It is pretty early to feel movement on the outside but I don't know what else it could be. We are counting down the days until my next appointment....we are dying to confirm that this baby is (or is not) a boy. On the house front it looks like we are moving forward with the construction. We found a Contractor that we like and that can do it with in our budget. Pretty exciting and crazy at the same time...

Monday, June 16, 2008

16 Weeks

We went to the Doctor this morning. The Baby is growing right on schedule. Everything looks great thus far. So that is really good news. He "thinks" it is a boy but could not confirm so we will have to wait 4 more weeks to find out for sure. Everyone who has predicted what we are having has predicted boy so that would prove all these people right if the baby is in fact a boy. So now the four week countdown begins. :-) I started prenatal yoga a couple weeks ago. I have enjoyed it quite a bit. I am the least far along in the class. We do introductions and tell everyone how we are feeling at the beginning of every class. They were all jealous when they found out I have had no morning sickness. I am lucky that this pregnancy has been easy (so far at least....) We are getting bids back for the second story project. Unfortunately the first one was too high. We are expecting another at the end of the week. I am very curious to see what it is. It will be nice to decide what we are doing....

Friday, May 23, 2008

13 Weeks

I can't believe I am 13 weeks already. We had another Doctor appointment on Monday. The Doctor could not find the hearbeat with the Doppler (I think it is called) so he had to do another ultrasound. That was absolutely fine with us. It was fun to see the little baby now that he/she is a little bigger. The little one was moving all over the place. It is so strage to see that and not be able to feel it. The Heart was beating very stong on the ultrasound so all is still looking good.

Friday, May 2, 2008

10 Weeks

I am still feeling good. Just a little more tired than usual. I feel very lucky about this. I told a friend at work that I am pregnant. He said immediately that he thinks we will have a boy. I also did this silly Chinese Gender predictor. It also said the bably will be a boy. So who knows. I guess we will have to wait 10 more weeks to find out for sure....

Baby Gender Predictor
Baby Gender Predictor

Monday, April 21, 2008

8 weeks

So I decided to create this blog to document this pregnancy. I don't know how good I will be at updating it but I am going to give it a try. :-)

So today we had our first Doctors appointment and I had my first ultrasound. We got to see the tiny baby and the heart beat (well mostly heart beat.) Anyway the Doctor said the baby is measuring right on target so things are looking good and we are thrilled.