Sunday, June 28, 2009

6 Month Stats

So here are the stats from Connor's 6 Month appoinment:
Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz - 45%
Height: 28 in - 85%
Head: 17 1/4 in - 45%

Thursday, June 11, 2009

6 Months

I have not been very good about updating lately. Connor turned 6 months old so that means it has been 2 months since I updated. Wow that is too long. Since the last update Connor has started rolling over. And really that means moving from place to place by rolling around. You can't really take your eyes off of him at this point because he will be across the room if you aren't watching. He also started eating solid food! So far he has enjoyed rice cereal and Oatmeal. We are going to try carrots tonight. I am curious to see what he thinks. On a final note he is very close to sitting up on his own. Here are some recent pictures: