Wednesday, October 29, 2008

35 (1/2) weeks

Time is flying by so fast. My ticker today says 30 days left. That is just so crazy. The little guy is doing well. He has hiccups every day (sometimes twice a day). He also likes to jab me in the ribs (I think with his feet.) It is not very comfortable but I can deal with it. I am getting more tired but I am still sleeping okay so I am thankful for that. Here is a new picture:

Friday, October 10, 2008

33 Weeks

We have made it to 33 weeks. It is amazing that we only have 7 weeks left. We start going to the Doctor every other week now. Last week we started our birthing classes. So far we are happy with them. We feel more comfortable with what to expect so that is a good feeling. I had my baby shower a couple weeks ago. It was so nice to see everyone and everyone was so generous. Because of all the generous gifts we feel much more prepared - we have a lot of the things we will need for him. The little guy is still an acrobat but I think he is loosing space fast. I can tell because I feel pretty crammed myself. Sometimes it is really difficult to get comfortable sitting, standing or laying down. I think my comfort level is just going to continue to get worse but I can't complain. I have had it pretty easy up until now.