Friday, August 29, 2008

27 Weeks

Today is the first day of my third trimester. I can't believe it. Time is flying. We did choose to deliver at Rose. Now that we chose the hospital we were able to sign up for childbirth classes. We start those the first week of October. We are also moving out of our house in the next week. It is exciting to be getting the house project started but I think it will be a little hard to be displaced for so long. I will probably post some belly pictures soon (I am going to be brave enough to do so) but we have to take the pictures....

Monday, August 11, 2008

24 Weeks

Time is flying by so fast I can't believe I am already 24 weeks. I had a doctor appointment this morning. The baby is 1 pound 11 ounces. He is measuring a little ahead still. Otherwise everything is still looking good. I have had a little bit of swelling especially on the really hot days but overall I am still feeling good. I have to do the 1 hour glucose test and get the RhoGAM Shot at the next appoinment. Next on the list is to pick a hospital....