Monday, June 16, 2008

16 Weeks

We went to the Doctor this morning. The Baby is growing right on schedule. Everything looks great thus far. So that is really good news. He "thinks" it is a boy but could not confirm so we will have to wait 4 more weeks to find out for sure. Everyone who has predicted what we are having has predicted boy so that would prove all these people right if the baby is in fact a boy. So now the four week countdown begins. :-) I started prenatal yoga a couple weeks ago. I have enjoyed it quite a bit. I am the least far along in the class. We do introductions and tell everyone how we are feeling at the beginning of every class. They were all jealous when they found out I have had no morning sickness. I am lucky that this pregnancy has been easy (so far at least....) We are getting bids back for the second story project. Unfortunately the first one was too high. We are expecting another at the end of the week. I am very curious to see what it is. It will be nice to decide what we are doing....